
What are Singleactive's subscription rates?

Singleactive's subscription rates are shown on: https://www.singleactive.ch/en/subscriptions

Are there separate subscriptions and different prices for dating and activities?

No, there is only a single subscription giving access to both dating and activities. The price of subscription depends on the duration of the subscription you have chosen.


What means of payment are available?

Subscriptions can be paid on line by VISA and Mastercard credit cards, Paypal or Postcard, through the secured Datatrans system. You can also pay by bank transfer in advance on our bank account: Credit Suisse, Sierre, Account No. 0270-1477804-21, IBAN CH30 0483 5147 7804 2100 0 Shared Emotions SA

Is on-line payment secure?

Yes. Transactions carried out on our site are secured by the Datatrans payment system (www.datatrans.ch). This data cannot be detected, intercepted or used by third parties. The data is not stored on our site.

Is my subscription automatically renewed when it runs out?

No, in no circumstances. Ten days before it becomes due a message is sent to you with a proposal to renew your subscription. If you do not want to renew it, ignore this e-mail and your account will be automatically deactivated. You can always subsequently reactivate it.


How can I renew my subscription?

To renew your subscription, go to "My profile" and then "My subscription". Click on "Update" and choose the new subscription.


Can I suspend my subscription?

No, you cannot suspend your subscription.

Can I be reimbursed?

No, subscriptions are made for a set period and cannot be repaid.

How can I cancel my subscription?

You do not have to do anything to terminate your subscription. If you do not renew it, it will be automatically terminated.



How can I access the Singleactive site?

You can access the Singleactive site with a pseudonym and a password.

How can I modify my password?

Go to "My profile" and then "My account" to modify your password.

Lost or forgotten password, how can I recover it?

Click on "Forgotten password?" on the home page http://app.singleactive.ch

How can I change my electronic address or e-mail?

Go to "My profile" and then "My account" to modify your e-mail address.


Registration on Singleactive

How to become a member of Singleactive.

You only have to select your subscription then to fill in the details for your profile. If you are paying on line, you should access Singleactive directly by validating the link you receive in your e-mail in-box. If you are paying by bank transfer, an activation message will be sent on the receipt of payment.

What are the conditions for becoming a member of Singleactive?

You must be 18 years old.

I have not received your activation e-mail; what should I do?

Make sure you check whether the message can be found in the spam folder of your in-box. If you cannot find it, please contact us on support@singleactive.ch



How do you access your in-box?

Singleactive proposes an internal messaging service reserved for members of the site. To access it, go to "Contacts" and then "My mail box".

How do I consult the messages I have received?

Under "My mail box", click on "My in-box".

Do I receive an e-mail notification when I receive a message?

Yes, you receive an e-mail at the address e-mail indicated on your account when you receive an internal message or a request for contact from the Singleactive.ch site.

How do I reply to a message?

Click on the message from the "In-box", write your reply and click on "Add a reply".

How do I delete a message?

Go to "My mail box", mouse over the message and click on "Delete".

Is it possible to delete a message I have just sent?

No, once a message has been sent it cannot be deleted.



How do I contact the Singleactive moderator?

Go to  "Contact" to report abuse, a technical problem or a question about the use of the site.

How can I end a contact with a member and what is this for?

Open the profile of a member and choose the "End contact" option. The member will not be able to contact you or write to you again on Singleactive. Your profile will no longer be available to this member either.


My profile

How can I modify my profile?

Go to "My profile" to update the information on your profile.

How long does my profile take to appear?

Some of the modifications to the profile are available immediately after having safeguarded them. Somme modifications will need admin approval prior to publication.


My profile photo

How do I add/modify the photo in my profile?

During registration, a default avatar is provided for you. You can add your own photo later by going to "My Profile", and then "My photo".

Who can see my profile photo?

Only your contacts can see the photo in your profile. For other members your photo will be seen with a blurr effect.


My photo folders

How do I add photo folders ?

You can create photo folders in "My Profile", and "My photofolders".


Who can see my photo folders

You decide yourself who can see your photo folders. For each photo folder you can choose if it shall be visible to all site members or only to your conacts.



Who can consult the profiles?

All members of Singleactive can consult the profiles of other members.

How can I search the profiles?

To search the profiles, go to "Contacts", and then "Advanced search".

How can I carry out an advanced search of the profiles?

The advanced search allows you to create your own combinations of criteria. You can choose to include or exclude certain criteria and choose whether all conditions or at least one of the conditions must be met.

Here is an example:
You are searching for a man living in the canton of Geneva, a sports lover but who does not listen to blues music.

You will create the following query:
I am -> Equal to -> A man
Canton of residence -> Equal to -> Geneva
I am interested in the following activities -> Equal to -> Sport
What kind of music do you listen to? -> Not equal to -> Blues

How do I contact a profile?

To contact a profile, click on "Add as a contact" from the profile page or from the result of advanced search.



What types of activity are offered?

Nine activity categories are proposed: Art & Culture, Wellness, Events, Single parent families, Gastronomy, Outdoors, Status, Sport, Trips.

How can I register for an activity?

You can register on-line for one or more of the suggested activities. 

What are the payment conditions for an activity?

Please consult our general conditions of sale.

Can I find out which members are interested in an activity?

Yes, from the the activity details page you can consult the members who are interested in it.



How do I cancel my account?

You need do nothing to terminate your subscription. If you do not renew it when it comes due, it will be automatically terminated.

How do I reactivate my account if I have forgotten to renew it?

You can reactivate your account at app.singleactive.ch with your pseudonym and password and then choose your new subscription.


Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact us by using the form under "Support" and then "Contact us".


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